v2.5.1 Changelog
- Fixed side stalk with v12
- Fixed the item bonus acquisition with v12
- Fixed message deletion with v12
- Fixed recycling total in General, it was not using LF bonus
- Fixed send message when deactivate chat bar enable
- Fixed the bug with that send empty cargo if you hover the speed while targeting an empty position (aka NaN bug)
- Fixed lock trigger error when content has no input
- Improved collect feature: default target is now the main planet
- Improved expedition stats: take automatically into account black hole losses
- Some code improvement and cleaning
Some known bugs
- ogame +v11.15.0: tooltips not in ogi style, loss of some data in tooltips
- production stats are wrong if production factors are different to 100%
- crawler prodution stats can be wrong in some cases
- missing LF bonus on energy consumption
- lock do not stack in the right way multiple levels of some buildings
- endless reload cycle issue when planet storage is full in overview page
- rare bug with expedition fleets sometimes dissapearing in event box
Note: Warning - Edge Store
Due recent changes on publishing API in Edge Store we are unable to publish our last release there. If you are using Edge, please make an export of your data, remove the extension, then install it back but using the Chrome store as your extension provider (it's compatible), then import back your data.