Improved Production Overview

    • Info: A script to improve OGame's production overview: highlight earliest queue(s) and highlight empty queues.
    • Author: LukaNebo
    • Support: Discord
    • Download:…roved_Production_Overview
    • Screenshot: See below
    • Browser: Chrome, Firefox, and all chromium based browsers with Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey support
    • Compability: Computers, Android phones (via Kiwi Browser or Mozilla Firefox)
    • Languages: All (tooltips: English, German, French, Slovenian) (everything seen directly is copied from OGame page; only descriptions in tooltips are in English by default or any other language that has been added)

    Improved Production Overview is a simple script that puts all queues for a planet in one row and highlights up to three earliest queues and it can also highlight empty queues for each construction category separately (if one so choses).

    This script allows you to optimize construction queues. When going to Production Overview page, you are presented where the earliest queue will finish first (the badge is added to Planet or Moon tab), so you can prepare and send resources there for your next construction. You can also customize in which construction categories (Research, Buildings, Lifeform Buildings, Lifeform Developments, and Shipyard) you want to have 100% upkeep, meaning you do not want to have empty queues. If you do so, it will show you how many empty queues are there (on the Planet or Moon tab) and it will highlight all queues in that category. You can set it up differently for Planet and Moon in options that are on the bottom of the page.

    By default settings (highlight one earliest queue and watch Buildings and Lifeform Buildings queues) it looks like this:

    These are the default options:


    The default settings are meant for a player that just started playing. He/she wants to look for empty queues in Buildings and Lifeform Developments category and also Research.

    In options you can customize:

    • Number of earliest queues. (When set to "#0", it hides them.)
    • Time threshold to highlight queue countdown timers that are below that threshold. (Countdown timer is highlighted with orange color. When set to "0h", it disables them.)
    • Setup for highlighting empty queues (for each category separately):
      1. Research
      2. Planets: Buildings, Lifeform Buildings, Lifeform Developments, and Shipyard
      3. Moons: Buildings and Shipyard

    With customized settings, where you want to watch only Lifeform Developments (where you want 100% upkeep) and maybe Research and moon's Shipyard, it looks something like this:


    (Notice that it shows [1] for one empty queue inside Lifeform Developments and [1] for empty queue inside Moon's Shipyard. Here you can also see maximum number (3) of earliest queues. All of them are also displayed as badges on the planet/moon tabs in case the first/second/third queue is located on the moon.)

    Note, that if you have extra Mechas shipyard queue it will fit all 5 queues in one line. But as for now, you cannot watch empty queues for them (this only works for default shipyard).

    With v1.1.0 empty queues that are locked (i.e. that cannot be used due to other constructions) are highlighted with red color and are NOT counted as "empty" in the badge on the planet/moon tab. (For example, Nanite Factory locks Lifeform Buildings queue and Shipyard queue, Research Lab locks Research queue, etc.)

    Any feedback and suggestions are much appreciated! You can make them here or better yet, on Discord channel.



  • v1.1.0 Changelog:

    • Added a feature that highlights empty queues red if the queues' slots are locked (e.g. Nanite Factory locks Lifeform Buildings queue and Shipyard queue, Research Lab locks Research queue, etc.).
    • Added timestamp to the OGame Clock when there is no OGLight addon. From now on, "Time threshold" feature works even without OGlight.
    • Added support for German (DE) and French (FR) language.