Toleration discussion: Easy Farm

  • Hi I come here to present you the ongoing developpement of my tool.
    Author : Le Mulet
    No website / No support
    compatibility: atm agr dependency to work fine
    language: (I am not sure if I should answer js or english)


    goal : making inactive farming fast and easy

    first step : making prob's inactives farming fast and easy

    how it work:

    first of all it work with a target list you can add target to your list or remove them

    then you have a target list that list only the solars system location where the target are.

    first new thing is that in my tool the target list is bind with the location you are (here I stand on my pla begining of g5) and if you switch location you will have different target list display.

    each line when clicked go to the ss location

    when click on "space" it go to the first location of the list

    on the galaxie view each time you spy a target it flag the target on the list as "spyed" when all targets of a ss are spyed the ss is not display anymore one the list

    then the game play look like
    hit space -> spy the target on the ss -> hit space -> spy the target on the ss -> ..... no more ss on the list.

    then we arrived on the message page with the agr table customized by easy farm


    the green color mean that it is a target on my list and I display on the right all the wave I want to do with the options enter (here 400k rss min per attack)

    when click on one of my link it open a new tab with the attack preset (same as agr already do) but the addition here is when the link is clicked it change color so when coming back I know where I alrady shot

    one more addition here is that when I click on one of the link I automaticly change the focus on the first link that is still yellow.

    then when a target is attack I add one to the flag associated to it that count the number of time I already attack it so if I refresh the message page I can display yellow accurently only on the attack I flaged on not already done.

    added to this I wanted to do an auto fill of the target list with the inactives player's pla of my area.

    That all for the moment I just send it and come back latter to answer your questions
    I hope I am clear enough on my explanation feel free to ask question, I hope all of this would be tolerated as a tool for ogame and then I will end it and move on to do the farming inactive with other ships easy.

  • and I just wanted to warn you this is not a forum post that have the goal to be public (I will make one for users when it will be approved).
    I know that my tool flirt with the limits of what is tolerated and that why I presented to you where things go when I start trying making farming easier and discuss with you what is tolerated and what is not (and have the occasion to defend my case that all of it should be tolerated).
    And I know that the source code of my tool is badly implemented and I will clean it up, rework ui, debug and structure it before release (then I will apreciate all advices if you have some for me on that part).
    For now on I shut down my tool on my computer waiting for your answer.

  • RiV-

    Approved the thread.
  • RiV-

    Changed the title of the thread from “Easy Farm” to “Toleration discussion: Easy Farm”.
  • RiV-

    Added the Label Questions