Forbidden features

  • This is a general guideline for developing and submitting user created tools and doesn’t constitute a comprehensive list. Toleration of each feature happens at the Origin team’s discretion. If at doubt, talk to the responsible team member.

    If you need to or want to minify your code, please submit the un-minified source code to the responsible team member that will be reviewing your tool.

    Features deemed forbidden

    • Blocking or changing advertising / premium / monetization content, hiding legal content
      This includes blocking / hiding banners, blocking / hiding the advertisement bar at the top, hiding or changing images of premium / monetization content, hiding menu items like Merchant, Recruit Officers or Shop and hiding the footer.
    • Imitating features that are only accessible with Dark Matter usage
      An example is imitating the Commander’s construction queue.
    • Automation
      Any kind of automation that goes through a sequence of actions without appropriate user action is prohibited. This includes automatic refreshing of the game.
    • Drastic shortcuts / UI altering
      The game is meant to be played through the UI that the game itself provides. Shortcutting several page loads / clicks into a single action is prohibited. Circumventing the UI or the game flow dictated by the UI, e.g. by creating an alternative UI, is prohibited. This includes circumventing the lobby to login to the game. Exceptions to this rule can be made for non-crucial, pure comfort features / shortcuts.
    • Excessive / unnecessary background calls
      Background calls are useful to get information needed, but should only be used where absolutely necessary and reduced to a minimum. Especially such that cause uncontrolled or unwanted activity (“activity marker” in Galaxy view) on the account, or such that cause unnecessary server load, are strictly forbidden.
    • Notifications / alerts
      Any kind of automated notification, acoustic or visual, is prohibited. This includes acoustic signals on attack of any kind.
    • Advertising / fees
      Own advertising or charging fees for the usage of your tool or “premium features” is prohibited. You’re free to include a donation button or a link to if you choose to do so.

    Your OGame Origin Team

  • Prongs

    Closed the thread.