First let me tell you what is about in OGame:
- A strategy game : Every action you make must be carefully considered because it may make the difference between being the top of the players or one of the crowd. The game has many way to combine and to enhance certain features , to please you playing style. The latest introduction to the game, the Lifeforms will allow you to obtain endless combinations of elements that will enhance your resource production, cargo capacity, speed, anything you might think of.
- Infrastructure building: your account gets points for every thing you build or research and is losing points for every ship or defence you lose. Points invested in constructions and researches can’t be lost ( with some exceptions we’ll talk later )
- Resource monger – Points are coming from spending resources, the more resources you have the more points you can get . You can get resources from building mines , from attacking other players or from expeditions. You can also get resources using premium items ( talk later about this ) .
- War game: this is an online multiplayer game, it never sleeps. While you are away, the enemies ( read other players) are lurking and spying to see if they can attack you to get your resources . Attacking other players is one of the most entertaining activities in OGame but also the most annoying if you are on the losing side. There is no escape, everybody gets attacked once in the while in game, no big deal, just build again and make sure you stay unprofitable by sending away your ships and don’t let your resources stockpiled on your planets. A fleet in flight can’t be attacked but once it lands, becomes a sitting duck. There are quite a few strategies to fleetsave , we’ll talk later about this.
- Economy: The game has an internal economy where resources have trade rates, some players can make a lot of resources simply by selling some unwanted resources to get the type of resource they need to complete a project ( a mine, a research, a fleet ).You can trade with other players using resources or you can trade with the system by using premium currency ( Dark Matter).
- Game community: OGame can’t be played in solo mode, you must interact with other player and not only attacking them, you have the possibility to message players in game or connect to the community by reading the forum where you can get the latest information about the game and its players. In the forum you can read tutorials, ask questions, read combat reports of more advanced players, have fun, be polite.
- Alliance: The cohesion element in an OGame universe is the alliance , this is a unit where players with common interests get together and are helping each other with advice and resources by donations or trades
OGame specifics
-Universes in OGame come in various shapes and size with various characteristics: See <<Universe features>>
- Type of players : Players can be classified in Miners and Fleeters . See here some details about them: <<Miner guide>>, <<Fleeter guide>>.
- Player Class: When starting the game, a player can select one of the three player classes : Collector, General and Explorer . See here the descriptions and advantages for each class <<Player Classes>>. First selection is free, if changed, you have to buy a class item to get a new class.
- Alliance Class : Similar with player class, they give special advantages that can be combined with player class benefices . See <<Aliance Classes>>
- Liffeorms : Lifeforms are bringing a near unlimited number of possible options for players. There are 4 species each with its own building and technologies. They also add 2 new types of resources : population and food. You will be able to settle a different lifeform on each planet and develop its own infrastructure and technologies in a combination that suits you the best, making your account unique and with endless ways of development. See <<LIfeforms>>. It is advisable to start developing lifeforms after you reach a decent size of mines and energy since the benefices are added in form of percentage to your production- so the higher- the better. For a faster understanding please watch these tutorial videos.
Start playing OGame
Read <<First steps>>
The order you chose to develop your mines and the facilities will allow you gain a strong foothold in the game
Read <<Buildings>>
Build your home planet , follow the tutorial steps to gain some timely help, is advisable to start colonising as soon as possible to be able to get more resources and to ease the fleetsaving.
Read <<Colonising>>
Read <<Fleetsaving>>
While you develop your mines and get more resources you can start the researches to unlock more features, buildings and ships
Read <<Research>>
Join an alliance as soon as possible, is important to obtain advice from more experienced players and sometimes you can get a welcome package as well .
Read << Alliance>>
[work in progress]