LifeForm - OGame extended
status: draft
up to date
Authors: Mollyspace, karag
final OK -< date >. - name of the reviewer
1.1 Start - Explore - Artefacts - XP
Moved to public by Valent /18/7/2023
LifeForm - OGame extended
status: draft
up to date
Authors: Mollyspace, karag
final OK -< date >. - name of the reviewer
1.1 Start - Explore - Artefacts - XP
Moved to public by Valent /18/7/2023
LIFEFORMS have always hovered in space, furtively.
Ogame's evolution , with version 9, has made it possible to finally detect them, creating a special department which, through the development of truly futuristic and extremely precise structures and the refined research of technologies, grants the Emperors present in the Universe be able to take advantage of the great powers that these Aliens hold.
There are four alien species that can be detected and set in the colonies: three related to a Class (they will specifically enhance their bonuses) and one, the Humans, equivalent to a class that has not yet existed, very balanced, with interesting bonuses and with the peculiarity of being the only one able to "discover" new species
Humans Primeval species |
Kaelesh Related to Explorer |
Rock'Tal Related to Collector |
Mechas Related to General |
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Players will have the opportunity to develop the qualities of the aliens in "purity", adopting and increasing all their specialties or "mixing" the various life forms found, to achieve specific objectives for their Empire.
These dynamics, given the numerous alien capabilities, will make each account truly unique, since the possible combinations are almost unlimited.
For example, we could have Collectors boosted by the Rock'Tal but using exploratory boosts from the Kaelesh... Generals who will dart even faster and more powerful with the skills given to them by the Mechas but with mines boosted by the Rock'Tal, or even Explorers who they will exclusively perfect the Mechas skills to possess, through the use of ships, an extraordinary combination that will lead them to be very fast predators of every position in the galaxy ... and so on ad infinitum
The V9 section is an expansion of Ogame which, as seen above, introduces several new tools but which you don't need to develop.
The player can strategically decide whether to do it or not, whether to start unlocking it early in the game or wait to reach a higher stage of development
The V9 section is also almost totally independent from the classic Ogame, as its structures do not require planet spaces or buildings belonging to it, with the exception of the energy needed for some buildings and the Nanite Factory (but it is not a prerequisite) which speeds development time for LifeForm buildings
To monitor the Life Forms live, some icons dedicated to them are active in the top bar of the menu:
These icons, active as already mentioned, show the number of aliens present on that planet (1), the amount of food in stock (2) and the type of alien resident at that moment (3)
In the screen above, at point 3, there is NO alien, that is, it is still necessary to proceed with the choice of him (or he has been deactivated) and he can be understood from the generic icon instead of the specific ones illustrated above.
When the alien is present on the planet, the icon that belongs to him appears instead of the generic image (in the screen below the Humans reside on the planet):
New icons have descriptive tooltips
Available: Indicates how many Aliens are present in this structure (if their number exceeds the capacity, it means that their level of growth is optimal and they need more space to avoid their escape)
T2 LF: Indicates, among the aliens present, how many have been trained at the T2 level
T3 LF: Indicates, among the aliens present, how many have been trained at the T3 level
Living Space: indicates the maximum amount of Aliens that can be permanently hosted
Satisfied: Indicates how many aliens are adequately fed. If the satisfied Aliens are greater than those residing at that moment, it means that there is an overproduction of food (which will be set aside up to a certain quantity)
In practice, the amount of satisfied users indicates how many inhabitants the building that produces food can feed
Hungry: indicates how many aliens are present but hungry (therefore they will soon leave the planet)
Growth Rate: Indicates how fast the aliens are reproducing
Bunker Space: indicates the maximum amount of aliens that will be protected from enemy attacks (aliens in fact die if exposed to enemy fire. Reducing their number will make those structures and researches that require a particular amount NOT available)
Available: Food available at the time
Storage capacity: corresponds to the maximum amount of food that can be stored.
When a food production building is outsized for the level of its inhabitants, it stores food for the future.
Once the maximum capacity is reached, production stops
Overproduction: Shows any production that exceeds the aliens' hourly consumption
Consumption: indicates the hourly consumption of food
Consumed In: Shows how long the stored quantities will be able to satisfy the aliens
Screen in FIG. 1 shows an oversized food facility for Alien consumption.
The latter being already at the maximum (they are red) have allowed the structure to reach the maximum storage capacity of accumulated food
Screen in FIG. 2 shows a building for the production of food undersized compared to the inhabitants (the inhabitants are increasing, they are orange)
Everything that is produced is consumed instantly and the missing is deducted from the warehouse, which, in this case, is able to provide food for 1h and 15m
The icon with the number 1 show that none of the different alien species has been selected on the planet.
Clicking on icon 1 will open the lifeform menù which will allow you to choose the species you prefer by clicking on icon 2 "select".
In 3 and 4 you can see the indication of the XP points and level, which will improve the technological bonuses of the species.
You can earn XP by sending intergalactic explorations and capturing further aliens of this species.
To get started, you need to select an Alien on a chosen planet.
At start you can only select HUMANS, the only Alien able to develop the technology needed to discover other species.
After reaching 200,000 inhabitants and built the "Research Centre" you can start exploration by select and reserch to level 1 the "Intergalactic Envoys" in the Tech tree.
Now you will be able to scour universe, looking for new alien species, not yet known, or to improve the xp of those already known by increasing their bonuses.
It is not possible to replace the HUMANS unless other alien species have been found first.
In the Galaxy Menù you can start exploration through the purple, DNA-shaped, icon
No ship is needed for exploration but you must have an empty fleet slot to send it.
Each exploration mission costs; Metal 5,000 - Crystal 1,000 - Deuterium 500
Every coordinates can only be explored once every SEVEN days. Coordinates that have been explored for less than seven days appear with a gray icon and cannot be explored.
Exploration CANNOT be started when there is no more free space in the aliens' residences, or when the number of resident aliens has already reached the maximum capacity.
You can find the outcome of the explorations in the expedition section of the messages folder.
With EXPLORATIONS players can discover alien species, find artefacts and earn XP points
Exploration is essential in the early stages to allow players to choose between the different races, at any time to acquire artifacts and later in development, they become a focal point of the game, as its execution brings significant benefits with XP
Whenever you meet a race, whether you already own it or not, you will be able to get XP, in variable quantities, entrusted to chance.
Messages indicating alien finds can be read in the Messages -> Expeditions section
These points will not form a single accumulation but will be counted separately for each breed.
The points obtained by finding Humans will increase the Xp count relating to that race only and will work the same way for the other three types of aliens.
Their quantity can be constantly monitored by clicking on the alien icon, present in the upper menu, positioned to the right of the icon showing the DM present in the account
Each level increases the research bonuses of the race by 0.1%.
Example ONE:
Develops at level 1 Rock'Tal's Ion Crystal Enhancement (Heavy Fighter), which at that level increases, among other things, Heavy Fighters' SHIELDS by 0.3%, with bonus race 2%
As can be seen from technical data, LifeForm Tech Bonuses, equal to 0.077, are thus obtained
Shields (base value)...................................... 25
+0.3% research bonus calculated on 25............. + 0.075
+2% XP bonus calculated on 0.3%..................... + 0.0015
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------
TOTAL LIFEFORM BONUS 0.0765 rounded ........+ 0.077
Example 2:
Some LF have, among their constructions, some buildings that increase the bonuses on their searches, as in the case of Humans, so there will be a further count
Develops at level 1 Humans Bomber Mk II, which increases, at that level, Bomber SHIELDS by, among other things, by 0.3%
Metropolis is also present on the planet at level 9, which grants 4.5% increase on bonuses
As can be seen from the technical sheet, the LifeForm Tech Bonuses, equal to 1.598, are thus obtained
Shields (base value)................................ 500
+0.3% research bonus calculated on 500................ + 1.50
+4.5% bonus increase calculated on 0.3% ..............+ 0.0675
LIFEFORM BONUS SUBTOTAL ................................+1,567
+2% XP bonus calculated on bonuses.....................+0.031
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------
TOTAL LIFEFORM BONUS ......................................+1,598
As already mentioned, the first alien that can be activated belongs to the HUMANS race as a primitive race. Their characteristics are specified in the Alien Characteristics section
Once the race has been activated, you have access to the first LIFEFORM section, through the button on the menu, throug the section relating to the specific structures of this race.
The LifeForms structures DO NOT occupy planet spaces, some require energy, others require a minimum amount of resident aliens to be activated or a certain amount of energy produced on the planet
The importance of developing an abundant population of this species derives from the fact that, the more inhabitants reside on the planet, the more their structures and research can be unlocked and consequently the greater the bonuses that can be obtained
The bonuses obtained by developing these buildings only affect the planet on which they are being built
The speed of construction is influenced by the level of development achieved by the Nanite Factory on that planet
Given the above, it is therefore not possible to put LifeForms buildings under construction while the development of the Nanite Factory is underway and, of course, vice versa
For the HUMANS race the constructions are as follows:
Unlocking Humans' researches allows you to have access to their EIGHTEEN researches that grant bonuses and improvements in almost all the fundamental sectors of the game.
To have access to Humans research you need to develop the Research Center in the LifeForm section
The research page can be accessed by clicking on the icon next to the LF section
To be developed, each research requires the achievement of a specific number of resident aliens belonging to the same training level of the block.
Therefore BLOCK 1 needs a certain amount of HUMANS T1, Humans T2 give access to the researches of BLOCK 2, each of these finally, BLOCK 3 needs a certain number of HUMANS with T3 training
Technologies for which the minimum population requirement has not been met appear hidden by a padlock on a black background
Once the required population level has been reached, it is possible to activate the search. It may belong to the race that is developing on the planet or even to another race. Further information regarding randomisations can be found in the appropriate section of the guide
Researches can only be unlocked in sequence, i.e. you cannot unlock, for example, first, a T2 research, even if you meet the requirements. You must first unlock all of BLOCK 1
Unblocking a research does not mean having developed it, in fact it appears at level ZERO.
For example, the first unlockable HUMANS quest is INTERGALACTC ENVOYS. Once unlocked, it will not be possible to proceed with explorations in search of aliens if, first, it has not been developed at least to level 1
The Roman numerals that appear in the upper part of the image of the search, inform the player that he will find it in another or other blocks
Indicates that the first available research of this type has been unlocked and that it will be found in another block, identical but more advanced
Indicates that the first available research of this type has been unlocked and that in each of the other two blocks it is present, identical, but more advanced
The absence of numbering indicates that the only research of this type available has been unlocked
Research cannot be developed if the Research Center is being upgraded on the planet and vice versa
Research developed on a planet is disseminated throughout the Empire, so all planets will enjoy the researched effects, as long as, of course, the race remains active on that planet
This means that if he develops a research that grants, for example, 0.3% bonus on metal, he will grant it not only on the planet he develops on, but on the production of all planets.
This is the complete picture of HUMANS research
Rock'Tal can only be activated after exploring the galaxies and encountering this species, that is, after developing the first research of the Humans. Their characteristics are specified in the Alien Characteristics section
Only after activating this race, you have access to their LIFEFORM section, through the button on the menu, or the section relating to the specific structures of this race.
LifeForms structures DO NOT occupy planet spaces, only some require energy, others require a minimum amount of resident aliens to be activated or a certain amount of energy produced on the planet
The importance of developing an abundant population of this species derives from the fact that the more inhabitants reside on the planet, the more their structures and research can be unlocked and consequently the greater the bonuses that can be obtained.
The bonuses obtained by developing these buildings only affect the planet on which they are being built
The speed of construction is influenced by the level of development achieved by the Nanite Factory on that planet
Given the above, it is therefore not possible to put LifeForms buildings under construction while the development of the Nanite Factory is underway and, of course, vice versa
For the ROCK'TAL race the constructions are as follows:
Meditation Enclave
It offers housing for aliens. Each level increases the maximum population of the planet.
This establishment is closely dependent on Crystal Farm , which produces food.
The aliens, attracted by the availability of homes, will populate them in a short time until their capacity is exhausted
In the event of an attack, a part of the aliens will be able to survive thanks to the bunker and therefore will have the possibility of reproducing until they return to the levels prior to the attack.
If there isn't enough food to satisfy everyone, the aliens will leave the planet
If the inhabitants decrease (for example due to a Race Change, food shortage, enemy attack, etc.) the structures and researches that require a minimum amount of inhabitants will no longer be available until the required requirements are restored
To understand and monitor the state of mind of the residents, the tooltip located on their icon in the upper menu is available
Crystal Farm
At each level, the Crystal Farm expansion increases the amount of food produced per second and the capacity of your storage
If the Aliens housed in the Meditation Enclave are not enough to consume all the food produced, it will be accumulated in the building's deposit, whose capacity increases as the developed levels increase.
This structure requires, for the development of new levels, as well as resources, even a minimum amount of energy, understood as the amount of energy produced and not as unused and available energy .
This means that even if on the planet we have a negative energy balance of -1,000 (difference between energy produced = 2,100 and energy used = 3,100 )
it is however possible to develop the research that requires 1,500 of energy, precisely because the energy produced exceeds this requirement (being 2,100)
Food can be farmed during attacks.
To understand the status of food production, the tooltip located on their icon, located in the upper menu, is available
Rune Technologium
The maximum bonus limit obtainable is -25% for costs and -99% for research time
Rune Forge
In the Forge Of Runes, the Rock'tal aliens of the T1 type are converted into T2, i.e. aliens with greater knowledge and skills
Each level increases the number of Rock'tal trained, allowing them to unlock their research more quickly
This structure needs, for the development of new levels, as well as resources, even a minimum amount of inhabitants on the planet
With the Food Silo and Skyscraper structures it will be possible to increase the speed with which the T2s are trained
At the Oriktorium, T2 Rock'tal are trained to become T3 level, i.e. able to make the most of their abilities
Each level developed increases the percentage of trained aliens
This structure needs, for the development of new levels, as well as resources, even a minimum amount of inhabitants on the planet
With the Food Silo and Skyscraper structures it will be possible to increase the speed with which the T3s are trained
Magma Forge
This construction significantly increases the production of metal on the planet at each level
Disruption Chamber
The Splitting Chamber allows you to produce and distribute energy more efficiently.
Each level developed, in addition to increasing the production of energy on the planet, reduces its consumption
This structure, at each level, reduces the costs and development times for the construction of the buildings belonging specifically to the Rock'tal.
The maximum bonus obtainable is equal to -50% for both bonuses it grants
Crystal Refinery
This state-of-the-art construction significantly increases crystal production on the development planet at each level
Deuterium Synthesiser
This laboratory increases the planet's deuterium production with each level developed
Mineral Research Center
The development of this technology reduces, at each level, the construction costs of all buildings for the production of resources.
The maximum bonus obtainable is -50%
Advanced Recycling Plant
The latest Rock'Tal construction is an amazing technology that allows you to obtain resources from the debris field created as a result of an attack on a planet
Each level developed increases the amount of resources recovered from the debris field
By developing at least one level of it, when you suffer an attack that creates a debris field, this building will take a percentage of it (determined by its development level) and move the resources to the planet.
Resources collected by the building are removed from the debris field.
The effect of the Advanced Recycling Facility only takes effect on attacks directed at the planet, therefore it will not affect fights that take place on Moons
If there are Reapers in the attacking fleet, they will recycle before the building
The maximum limit of the bonus offered by this construction is equal to 30%
Unlocking the Rock'Tal researches allows you to have access to their EIGHTEEN researches that grant infinitely useful bonuses and improvements to the miner category, strengthening and increasing everything that revolves around the "Collector" class, including a bonus on the class itself
To have access to Rock'Tal researches it is necessary to develop the Rune Technologium present in the LifeForm section
The research page is accessed by clicking on the icon next to the LifeForm section
To be developed, each research requires the achievement of a specific number of resident aliens, belonging to the same training level of the block.
Thus BLOCK 1 needs a certain amount of Rock'Tal at level T1, a certain number of Rock'Tal at level T2 gives access to BLOCK 2 research, and finally, BLOCK 3 needs a certain number of Rock'Tal with T3 training
Technologies that have not met the minimum population requirement appear hidden by a padlock on a black background
Once the required population level has been reached, it is possible to activate the research. It may belong to the race that is developing on the planet or even to another race. Further information regarding randomisations can be found in the appropriate section of the guide
Researches can only be unlocked in sequence, i.e. you cannot unlock, for example, a research of BLOCK 2 first, even if you meet the requirements.
You must first unlock all of BLOCK 1
Unlocking a research does not mean having developed it, in fact it initially appears at level ZERO.
The Roman numerals that appear in the upper part of the research image inform the player that he will find, in another or other blocks, the same research even more developed and generally more profitable, or in any case that, being able to develop it several times, he will be able to at least double it the benefits
The absence of numbering indicates that the only research of this type available has been unlocked
Indicates that the first available research of this type has been unlocked and that by continuing, you will find another identical, but more advanced one
Indicates that the second and last research of this type has been unlocked
Research cannot be developed if the Rune Technologium is being upgraded on the planet and vice versa
The researches developed on a planet are disseminated throughout the Empire, so all planets will enjoy the researched effects, as long as, of course, the race remains active on that planet
This means that if he develops a research that grants, for example, 0.3% bonus on metal, he will grant it not only on the planet he develops on, but on the production of all planets.
This is the complete picture of ROCK'TAL research
ROCK'TAL RESEARCH - BLOCK 1 - Population T1 Minimum Required: 200,000 Inhabitants
ROCK'TAL RESEARCH - BLOCK 2 - Population T2 Minimum Required: 1,200,000 Inhabitants
ROCK'TAL RESEARCH - BLOCK 3 - Population T3 Minimum Required: 13,000,000 Inhabitants
The Kaelesh can only be activated after exploring the galaxies and encountering this species. Their characteristics are specified in the Alien Characteristics section but, in general, their characteristic is to provide support to the Explorer class by providing bonuses aimed at alleviating its critical needs and increasing its profits.
Only after activating this race, you have access to their LIFEFORM section, through the button on the menu, or the section relating to the specific structures of this race.
LifeForms structures DO NOT occupy planet spaces, only some require energy, others require a minimum amount of resident aliens to be activated or a certain amount of energy produced on the planet
The importance of developing an abundant population of this species derives from the fact that the more inhabitants reside on the planet, the more their structures and research can be unlocked and consequently the greater the bonuses that can be obtained.
The bonuses obtained by developing these buildings only affect the planet on which they are being built
The speed of construction is influenced by the level of development achieved by the Nanite Factory on that planet
Given the above, it is therefore not possible to put LifeForms buildings under construction while the development of the Nanite Factory is underway
For the KAELESH breed the constructions are as follows:
Provides housing for the alien Kaelesh. Each level increases the maximum population of the planet and its growth rate
This structure is closely dependent on the following, Antimatter Capacitor
The Kaelesh, attracted by the capacity of the houses, will populate them in a short time until they run out of capacity. If the food produced in the Antimatter Capacitor is not produced in adequate quantities, the houses could remain empty
In the event of an attack, a part of the aliens will be able to survive thanks to the bunker and therefore will have the possibility of reproducing until they return to the levels prior to the attack.
If there isn't enough food to satisfy everyone, the starving aliens will leave the planet
If the inhabitants decrease (for example following a Race Change, food shortage, enemy attack, etc.) the structures and researches that require a minimum amount of inhabitants will no longer be available until the required requirements are restored and therefore will be suspended until that time to hand out their bonuses
The speed of the growth rate can be improved by developing the Cloning Lab and the Chrysalis Accelerator
The maximum capacity of this structure can be increased, as well as with a further level, also with the development of the Chrysalis Accelerator
To fully understand and monitor the state of mind of the residents, the tooltip located on their icon in the upper menu is available
Antimatter Condenser
At each level, the expansion of the Antimatter Capacitor increases the amount of food produced per second and the capacity of your storage
If the Aliens housed in the Sanctuary are not enough to consume all the food produced, it will be accumulated in the building's deposit, whose capacity increases as the developed levels increase.
This structure requires, for the development of new levels, as well as resources, also a minimum amount of energy, understood as the amount of energy produced and not as unused and available energy .
This means that even if on the planet we have a negative energy balance of -1,000 (difference between energy produced = 2,100 and energy used = 3,100 )
it is however possible to develop the research that requires 1,500 of energy, precisely because the energy produced exceeds this requirement (being 2,100)
By developing the Antimatter Convector it is possible to reduce food consumption
Food can be farmed during attacks.
To understand the status of food production, the tooltip located on their icon, located in the upper menu, is available
Vortex Chamber
This building allows the research of the Kaelesh race to be developed
Each level reduces the cost and development time of research on the planet
The maximum bonus obtainable for this research is equal to 25% for the costs and 99% for the time
Halls of Knowledge (Halls of Realisation)
For the development of this construction, in addition to resources, a certain amount of population is required, which varies according to the level.
Within the Halls of Realization, Kaelesh at T1 level are trained up to T2 level.
Each level increases the number of trained Kaelesh T2s, which will allow access to BLOCK 2 of research
By developing the Cloning Laboratory and the Chrysalis Accelerator it is possible to increase the training speed of the Kaelesh at level T2
Forum of Transcendence
For the development of this construction, in addition to resources, a certain amount of population is required, which varies according to the level.
In the Forum of Transcendence, Kaelesh trained at the T2 level are trained until they reach the highest level, i.e. T3.
Each level increases the number of trained Kaelesh T3s, which will grant access to BLOCK 3 of research
Antimatter Convector
This construction decreases the consumption of food on the planet
Developed in combination with the Cloning Laboratory and the Chrysalis Accelerator, it allows to obtain the optimal ratio between growth and food production.
The maximum bonus obtainable is -50%
Cloning Laboratory
The Cloning Lab increases the rate at which the number of Kaelesh T1, T2 and T3 increases
Its development is essential to restore the population, for example after a race change or having suffered an enemy attack
Developed in combination with the Chrysalis Accelerator and the Antimatter Convector it allows to obtain the optimal ratio between growth and food production.
Chrysalis Accelerator
At each level, the Chrysalis Accelerator increases the maximum number of Kaelesh on the planet and the rate at which the number of Kaelesh T1, T2 and T3 increases
This construction therefore has two extremely useful factors: it helps quickly to expand the space available for the resident aliens and at the same time speeds up their reproduction.
Developed in combination with the Cloning Laboratory and the Antimatter Convector it allows to obtain the optimal ratio between growth and food production
Bio Modifier
The Bio Modifier grants an extremely interesting bonus: it increases the number of spaces on the planet in which it is developed, at each level.
Psionic Modulator
Each level of Psionic Modulator reduces the population requirement for all tech slots on the planet.
The maximum bonus reduction limit is 25%
Ship Manufacturing Hall
This interesting construction reduces the construction time of ships with each level developed. It only affects the planet where it is developed.
The maximum time reduction limit is -70%
Supra Refractor
At each level, the Overrefractor increases the chance that a moon will be created around a planet and that moon will be larger in size.
The maximum obtainable size of a moon is equal to 9,400 km
The maximum percentage increase of the percentage of the creation of the moon is equal to 30%
Unlocking Kaelesh's research allows you to access their EIGHTEEN research which grant infinitely useful bonuses and improvements to the Explorer Class, strengthening and increasing everything that revolves around their game class, including a bonus on the class itself
To have access to Kaelesh research, you need to develop the Vortex Chamber in the LifeForm Construction section
The research page is accessed by clicking on the icon next to the LifeForm section of the menu
To be developed, each research requires the achievement of a specific number of resident aliens, belonging to the same training level of the block.
Therefore BLOCK 1 needs a certain amount of T1-level Kaelesh, a certain number of T2-level Kaelesh are required to access BLOCK 2 researches, and finally, BLOCK 3 needs a certain number of T3-trained Kaelesh
Technologies that have not met the minimum population requirement appear hidden by a padlock on a black background
Once the required population level has been reached, it is possible to activate the research. It may belong to the race that is developing on the planet or even to another race. Further information regarding randomisations can be found in the appropriate section of the guide .
Researches can only be unlocked in sequence, i.e. you cannot unlock, for example, a research of BLOCK 2 first, even if you meet the requirements.
You must first unlock all of BLOCK 1
Unlocking a research does not mean having developed it, in fact it initially appears at level ZERO.
The Roman numerals that appear in the upper part of the research image inform the player that he will find, in another or other blocks, the same research even more developed and generally more profitable, or in any case that, being able to develop it several times, he will be able to at least double it the benefits
The absence of numbering indicates that the only research of this type available has been unlocked
Indicates that the first available research of this type has been unlocked and that by continuing, you will find another identical, but more advanced one
Indicates that the second and last research of this type has been unlocked
Research cannot be developed if the planet is upgrading the Vortex Chamber and vice versa
The researches developed on a planet are disseminated throughout the Empire, so all planets will enjoy the researched effects, as long as, of course, the race remains active on that planet
This means that if he develops a research that grants, for example, 0.3% bonus on metal, he will grant it not only on the planet he develops on, but on the production of all planets.
This is the complete picture of KAELESH research
KAELESH RESEARCH - BLOCK 1 - Population T1 Minimum Required: 200,000 Inhabitants (reducible threshold)
KAELESH RESEARCH - BLOCK 2 - Population T1 Minimum Required: 1,200,000 Inhabitants (reducible threshold)
KAELESH RESEARCH - BLOCK 3 - Population T1 Minimum Required: 13,000,000 Inhabitants (reducible threshold)
Alien Mechas can only be activated after exploring the galaxies and encountering this species. Their characteristics are specified in the Alien Characteristics section but, in general, their characteristic is to provide support to the General Class by providing bonuses aimed at alleviating its critical needs and increasing its profits.
Only after activating this race, you have access to their LIFEFORM section, through the button on the menu, or the section relating to the specific structures of this race.
LifeForms structures DO NOT occupy planet spaces, only some require energy, others require a minimum amount of resident aliens to be activated or a certain amount of energy produced on the planet
The importance of developing an abundant population of this species derives from the fact that the more inhabitants reside on the planet, the more their structures and research can be unlocked and consequently the greater the bonuses that can be obtained.
The bonuses obtained by developing these buildings only affect the planet on which they are being built
The speed of construction is influenced by the level of development achieved by the Nanite Factory on that planet
Given the above, it is therefore not possible to put LifeForms buildings under construction while the development of the Nanite Factory is underway
For the Mechas race the constructions are as follows:
Unlocking the researches of the Mecha allows you to have access to their EIGHTEEN researches that grant infinitely useful bonuses and improvements to the General Class, strengthening and increasing everything that revolves around their game class including a bonus on the class itself
To have access to Mechas researches it is necessary to develop the Robotics Research Center present in the LifeForm Constructions section
The research page is accessed by clicking on the icon next to the LifeForm section of the menu
To be developed, each research requires the achievement of a specific number of resident aliens, belonging to the same training level of the block.
Therefore BLOCK 1 needs a certain amount of T1 level Mechas, a certain number of T2 level Mechas are required to access BLOCK 2 researches, and finally, BLOCK 3 needs a certain number of T3 trained Mechas
Technologies that have not met the minimum population requirement appear hidden by a padlock on a black background
Once the required population level has been reached, it is possible to activate the research. It may belong to the race that is developing on the planet or even to another race. Further information regarding randomisations can be found in the appropriate section of the guide
Researches can only be unlocked in sequence, i.e. you cannot unlock, for example, a research of BLOCK 2 first, even if you meet the requirements.
You must first unlock all of BLOCK 1
Unlocking a research does not mean having developed it, in fact it initially appears at level ZERO.
The Roman numerals that appear in the upper part of the research image inform the player that he will find, in another or other blocks, the same research even more developed and generally more profitable, or in any case that, being able to develop it several times, he will be able to at least double it the benefits
The absence of numbering indicates that the only research of this type available has been unlocked
Indicates that the first available research of this type has been unlocked and that by continuing, you will find another identical, but more advanced one
Indicates that the second and last research of this type has been unlocked
Research cannot be developed if the Robotic Research Center is being upgraded on the planet and vice versa
The researches developed on a planet are disseminated throughout the Empire, so all planets will enjoy the researched effects, as long as, of course, the race remains active on that planet
This means that if he develops a research that grants, for example, 0.3% bonus on metal, he will grant it not only on the planet he develops on, but on the production of all planets.
This is the complete picture of MECHAS research
MECHAS RESEARCH - BLOCK 1 - Population T1 Minimum Required: 200,000 Inhabitants
MECHAS RESEARCH - BLOCK 2 - Population T2 Minimum Required: 1,200,000 Inhabitants
MECHAS RESEARCH - BLOCK 3 - Population T3 Minimum Required: 13,000,000 Inhabitants
First of all, it is good to know that, on each planet, it is possible to develop several alien races, one at a time, and that for this reason it is possible to switch between one and the other.
The first available race is, as has been said, the primitive race, or the HUMANS but proceeding with the alien explorations, it will soon be possible to get in touch and have the other races available.
It will therefore be possible to decide to replace the race currently present on the planet to optimize one's game strategy, activating an alien with characteristics that enhance one's strategies.
Or you can also change race to have at least one planet that allows, with its research (which will be shared with all the other planets), to obtain exclusive advantages
Or it can also be replaced for strategic reasons of great impact on the game
Observing the peculiarities of a race change, it will be possible to understand how it can be effective to use this option as a real additional bonus of Version 9 , using it to obtain strategic advantages during certain actions.
To deactivate a race, go to the upper menu and click on the icon of the currently selected alien:
In the window that opens, click DEACTIVATE on the descriptive card of the alien still present
At this point, select the alien you want to activate from the new page that opens, i.e. the list of aliens already available (since found with exploration ) and press SELECT
At this point a new race will take over the planet.
There is a cooldown of 48 hours between one race change and another.
This means that if an alien has been present on a planet for OVER 48h, it will be possible to replace it with another one instantly.
After the race change, for 48 hours, it will not be possible to deactivate the resident alien
Any building queues of the LF section will be stopped and the resources returned
Expeditions sent from the planet on which the race change is made will interrupt their flights.
If no life-form searches are available after deactivation, all explorations for aliens, originating from any planet, will cease their flights.
When an already developed race is deactivated, no building will be lost and consequently, the points obtained by developing the buildings and technologies will remain and when the race is restored (on the same planet) they will be restored
This means that it will be possible to return to the previous race being in exactly the same situation as before the change, except for the number of Aliens present on the planet.
By deactivating a race, the aliens who used to populate the planet will, of course, abandon it.
This means that, to return to the initial efficiency, it is necessary to wait for the restocking to be complete.
Even the food produced and eventually set aside will be brought back to zero
The time required for repopulation depends primarily on the characteristics of the aliens (for example the Rock'Tal reproduce more slowly while the Mecha are very fast), on the Economy speed and finally on how much the buildings that increase their growth rate have been developed.
Buildings that require a minimum amount of residents will immediately return to full functionality , although they cannot be leveled up until the number of residents is sufficient to do so.
Researches that require a minimum threshold of aliens will NOT start producing their bonuses until the required requirements have been met
The screen in front of which you might find yourself is visible in the following screenshot. In this example, the searches are seen exactly at the level at which they were developed but the image is in black & white, to indicate precisely that they are not operational at that moment.
The technologies covered by a padlock are instead those for which a number of residents has never been reached such as to be able to unlock them, not even before deactivation.
The technologies will gradually become active again, based on the necessary requirements, until returning to the initial situation.
In the following screenshot, the bonuses granted by the first two technologies as the resident aliens rise are back on the planet.
As already widely explained, Version 9 allows for a very varied customization of searches
During the development of research it may happen that a technology developed, for example, at the beginning, is now no longer useful, or the game strategy that made certain choices to be made has changed, or again, proceeding with randomization, the desired research has not been selected by the system
To remedy all these eventualities, the Reset and Restore functions are available
At the bottom of the three research blocks appear three large green buttons
By using them, it is possible to decide to reset a research block to ZERO and to be able to reselect the technologies that make it up
By pressing the RESET, a confirmation pop-up appears which, in turn, contains the request for a further choice
The FREE RESET , as easily understood, is completely free. However, it has a cooldown time to repeat it again
The RESET with MO does not include the cooldown
In case an active queue and/or a technology under development exists at the time of the RESET, the queue will be deleted, research in development interrupted and the resources returned.
Any blocks of research after the reset one will cease to produce their bonuses until the previous block is full of all research again.
If the THIRD BLOCK is subject to RESET, the previous two will continue to perform their functions normally
After selecting the preferred option a new confirmation pop up appears
Confirming further, the block resets and appears as originally found
At this point we can proceed to the new selection of technologies. In the case of RANDOMIZATION, refer to the dedicated section
Proposed technologies, if previously developed on that planet, will reappear at their development level (so a developed research will not lose its level, but will be reset to the same way it was before the RESET. Researches NEVER developed on that planet , even if developed elsewhere, will appear at level ZERO)
Note that the RESTORE button and a countdown appear under the reset block
If the new selection does not satisfy the player and he considers the newly created block less profitable than the previous one, he will be able to return to the previous situation within the indicated time
To allow users complete and precise control of the various bonuses developed on the various planets, so that it is possible, effectively and quickly, to identify the places where to intervene or simply view the bonus levels achieved, a new summary page has been created.
A new subpage has therefore been added within Resource Setup
By selecting the link you can view, in detail, the increases of the bonuses developed on the individual planets, and where it is possible, the total achieved in the Empire is shown
The first number shown corresponds to the level reached, the second to a possible cap. max
In the example shown it is immediately understandable that, through the different bonuses on metal production, deriving from the various V9 technologies (constructions therefore excluded) a TOTAL increase of 13.06% on production was achieved
The items are grouped by type and can in turn be expanded by clicking on the green arrow to the left of each item
Now the contribution deriving from each planet is shown in detail, so that it is possible to carry out all the necessary calculations and therefore be able to intervene where the need arises
In some cases, such as ships for example, the menu provides for further expansion
By turning on this last level, an overall view of all developed bonuses is shown, divided by planet and ship type.
For now there is not yet an entry that shows all the bonuses merged on a single ship
The screen below shows how the increase in the Heavy Cargo hold is reported for development in the single planet and not the global total increase in the hold on the ship
Espionage Reports V9
Upgrading to Version 9 changes the espionage reports, which will show all the searches (and their level) currently active for that player, as well as obviously the bonuses relating to the construction section.
The espionage report takes on even greater importance in this version, as it can rapidly change its results, reinforcing the strategic content of this game.
What an espionage report shows, in the LF Research section, is the set of all the technologies currently ACTIVE and developed on every single planet that influence basic research, such as Armor, Shield and Weapon Technology, as well as the speed of individual ships as well as resource production, all of which are crucial when examining ratios of this type.
It is therefore to bear in mind that the bonuses could change at any time , as a reset of a research block, a restore, the switch of a race, an up and other customizations, which NOT necessarily take place in the spied planet , can significantly affect what was detected with the spy
It should also be taken into consideration that, despite the spy you have, some actions performed by the spied player may not have been performed with the configuration viewable from the report.
In the following screen you can see a Version 9 espionage report
Currently, given the novelty of the upgrade, we are unable to recommend a tool that allows automatic calculations on the effect of bonuses on fleet production and speed
As soon as one updated to this version is proposed, we will, as usual, report it.